Sunday, February 22, 2015

Load URL in WebView Android

Open URL in WebView:

In android open website by using WebView. WebView use for display website content in android like as browser.

What is WebView:

WebView use for open website in android like browser. WebView display all website data in andriod.
Like this URL open in WebView

WebView in Android
WebView in Android

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Create Custom ListView in Androd

What is Custom ListView:

custom list view means custom Layouts and show custom Item in listview. in simple listview use only text or image show in list using ArrayAdapter but in custom listview we use CustomAdapter.
custom listview may be many image or text.

Create Custom ListView in Android
Custom ListView in Android

Why Use Custom Listview: 

as we discuss simple listview contain only simple layout so we need custom layout for custom listview. custom listview contain images and text and many more.